Superhuman for LinkedIn

Superhuman for LinkedIn

Blaze through your DMs at twice the speed.

Never miss a follow up. Quickly tune out the noise.


Ivan Tan

Hot Leads

Hey Kondo, I missed an important opportunity because I forgot...

Leila Foster

I'm a recruiter and I'm overwhelmed with messages. Need…

Hot Leads

Noah Hernandez

I get 50 messages a day and spend 2 hours dealing…

Hot Leads

Mateo Johnson

Heard great things about your tool and want to buy, can…

Hot Leads

Rose Ong

Heard you're building Superhuman for LinkedIn. Can I try?

Hot Leads

Joshua Thomas

I just wish LinkedIn built a better inbox so I don't need…

Hot Leads

Monty Lee

Overwhelmed with messages on a daily basis. Please make it...

Hot Leads

Hot Leads



Ivan Tan

Hot Leads

Hey Kondo, I missed an important opportunity because I forgot...

Leila Foster

I'm a recruiter and I'm overwhelmed with messages. Need…

Hot Leads

Noah Hernandez

I get 50 messages a day and spend 2 hours dealing…

Hot Leads

Mateo Johnson

Heard great things about your tool and want to buy, can…

Hot Leads

Rose Ong

Heard you're building Superhuman for LinkedIn. Can I try?

Hot Leads

Joshua Thomas

I just wish LinkedIn built a better inbox so I don't need…

Hot Leads

Monty Lee

Overwhelmed with messages on a daily basis. Please make it...

Hot Leads

Hot Leads



Ivan Tan

Hot Leads

Hey Kondo, I missed an important opportunity because I forgot...

Leila Foster

I'm a recruiter and I'm overwhelmed with messages. Need…

Hot Leads

Noah Hernandez

I get 50 messages a day and spend 2 hours dealing…

Hot Leads

Mateo Johnson

Heard great things about your tool and want to buy, can…

Hot Leads

Rose Ong

Heard you're building Superhuman for LinkedIn. Can I try?

Hot Leads

Joshua Thomas

I just wish LinkedIn built a better inbox so I don't need…

Hot Leads

Monty Lee

Overwhelmed with messages on a daily basis. Please make it...

Hot Leads

Hot Leads



Triage messages with labels + split inboxes

Triage messages with labels + split inboxes

Label messages manually, or use smart rules to sort.

Label messages manually, or use smart rules to sort.

Organize messages in split inboxes to focus on what needs attention first.

Organize messages in split inboxes to focus on what needs attention first.


Move Thread to Email






Remind Me…


Use Snippet…


Add Note


Move Thread to Email






Remind Me…


Use Snippet…


Add Note


Move Thread to Email






Remind Me…


Use Snippet…


Add Note

Get to Inbox Zero fast with keyboard shortcuts

Get to Inbox Zero fast with keyboard shortcuts

Lightning fast navigation through your messages with keyboard shortcuts for everything.

Lightning fast navigation through your messages with keyboard shortcuts for everything.

Scroll, archive, snooze, or delete messages with one keypress.

Scroll, archive, snooze, or delete messages with one keypress.


Hey Kondo — great to meet! Honestly, my LinkedIn inbox is in a total mess. Can you help me get things under control?


Hey Monty — would love to connect! Question — what keeps you up at night these days?



Hey Kondo — great to meet! Honestly, my LinkedIn inbox is in a total mess. Can you help me get things under control?


Hey Monty — would love to connect! Question — what keeps you up at night these days?



Hey Kondo — great to meet! Honestly, my LinkedIn inbox is in a total mess. Can you help me get things under control?


Hey Monty — would love to connect! Question — what keeps you up at night these days?



Save commonly used message blocks as snippets and call them up when you need.

Save commonly used message blocks as snippets and call them up when you need.

No more copy-pasting or re-typing the same thing again!

No more copy-pasting or re-typing the same thing again!

Conversation with Monty

ME TO MONTY Yesterday 16:00

Hey Monty — saw that you're going to the fashion show in NYC in Aug. Would love to meet up for coffee if you can spare 20 mins.

MONTY TO ME Today 6:12

Hey, sure it's going to be pretty busy, and my boss is coming. But we can check in closer and see.


15 Mutual Connections

Monty Lee

VP Sales @ Furry Coats Inc.

Vice President, Global Sales

Furry Coats Inc

Feb 2020- Present

I joined Furry Coats when it was just feathers and grew it to 1m coats sold / year


Try to get an intro to her boss at the NYC fashion show in Aug 2024

Conversation with Monty

ME TO MONTY Yesterday 16:00

Hey Monty — saw that you're going to the fashion show in NYC in Aug. Would love to meet up for coffee if you can spare 20 mins.

MONTY TO ME Today 6:12

Hey, sure it's going to be pretty busy, and my boss is coming. But we can check in closer and see.


15 Mutual Connections

Monty Lee

VP Sales @ Furry Coats Inc.

Vice President, Global Sales

Furry Coats Inc

Feb 2020- Present

I joined Furry Coats when it was just feathers and grew it to 1m coats sold / year


Try to get an intro to her boss at the NYC fashion show in Aug 2024

Conversation with Monty

ME TO MONTY Yesterday 16:00

Hey Monty — saw that you're going to the fashion show in NYC in Aug. Would love to meet up for coffee if you can spare 20 mins.

MONTY TO ME Today 6:12

Hey, sure it's going to be pretty busy, and my boss is coming. But we can check in closer and see.


15 Mutual Connections

Monty Lee

VP Sales @ Furry Coats Inc.

Vice President, Global Sales

Furry Coats Inc

Feb 2020- Present

I joined Furry Coats when it was just feathers and grew it to 1m coats sold / year


Try to get an intro to her boss at the NYC fashion show in Aug 2024

See who you're chatting without switching tabs

See who you're chatting without switching tabs

See work history, mutual connections, and other profile page details in a side panel. Leave notes.

See work history, mutual connections, and other profile page details in a side panel. Leave notes.

No more new tabs for each new DM you get.

No more new tabs for each new DM you get.

John Wong

We overlapped at Facebook in 2014. How've you been…

Ethan McCauley

Saw your post about how cold email reply rates are…

Raymond Chen

Love the new job board you just launched! Really relevant…

Miguel Diaz

Hi, saw you're hiring a software engineer; I'm now on the market…

Don Shapiro

Hey, congrats on the new startup. Let me know how I can help!

Kenneth Liu

You should really check out Justin Welsh's posts to learn how to write

Monty Lee

You'd think LinkedIn would have got its act together with messaging by now…

All Inboxes

John Wong

We overlapped at Facebook in 2014. How've you been…

Ethan McCauley

Saw your post about how cold email reply rates are…

Raymond Chen

Love the new job board you just launched! Really relevant…

Miguel Diaz

Hi, saw you're hiring a software engineer; I'm now on the market…

Don Shapiro

Hey, congrats on the new startup. Let me know how I can help!

Kenneth Liu

You should really check out Justin Welsh's posts to learn how to write

Monty Lee

You'd think LinkedIn would have got its act together with messaging by now…

All Inboxes

John Wong

We overlapped at Facebook in 2014. How've you been…

Ethan McCauley

Saw your post about how cold email reply rates are…

Raymond Chen

Love the new job board you just launched! Really relevant…

Miguel Diaz

Hi, saw you're hiring a software engineer; I'm now on the market…

Don Shapiro

Hey, congrats on the new startup. Let me know how I can help!

Kenneth Liu

You should really check out Justin Welsh's posts to learn how to write

Monty Lee

You'd think LinkedIn would have got its act together with messaging by now…

All Inboxes


Manage multiple LI accounts in one unified inbox

Manage multiple LI accounts in one unified inbox

Unify messages from different LinkedIn accounts in the same inbox. Share labels, notes, and snippets.

Unify messages from different LinkedIn accounts in the same inbox. Share labels, notes, and snippets.

No more switching between multiple chrome browser profiles and windows.

No more switching between multiple chrome browser profiles and windows.


Michael Touchton

Tech Recruiter

I use Superhuman for emails and wished for the longest time someone would build the same for LinkedIn messages.

This is it! And it's helped me save 2 hours a week managing multiple LinkedIn accounts.

Momo Ong

Startup Founder + Investor

This is just what I needed!

I spend 4h / week on LinkedIn, and messages were a total mess. Was missing follow ups on important threads.

Glad someone finally built this thing.

Natasha Lee

Financial Consultant + Startup Founder

I rely on LinkedIn networking and outreach for the community events I run for my startup. This really helps me keep track of conversations and move faster.



What is Superhuman?

How does this work with LinkedIn's own messaging features?

Is it safe to use this tool with my LinkedIn account and data?

What is Superhuman?

How does this work with LinkedIn's own messaging features?

Is it safe to use this tool with my LinkedIn account and data?

What is Superhuman?

How does this work with LinkedIn's own messaging features?

Is it safe to use this tool with my LinkedIn account and data?